Bakersfield Meshtastic Network

Central Valley Mesh

Bakersfield is part of the Central Valley Mesh. Check out their resources below and join the discord channel:

Bakersfield MQTT

MQTT allows bridging gaps where radio coverage doesn't reach. This allows messaging between radio
'islands' in town until we have more radio coverage. If you're running a node, please join our MQTT server.
Our server bridges out to Central Valley Mesh, the Liam Cottle mesh map, and
After enabling MQTT, reach out on LongFast and say hi!

MQTT Address:
Username: bakersfield
Password: dryheat
Encryption enabled: True
JSON enabled: False
TLS enabled: False
Root topic: msh/US/CA/centralvalley
Map reporting: High precision recommended
Map reporting interval: 300 seconds

Join the Mesh

1) If you're looking for a mobile device, I highly suggest the LilyGo T-Echo. No assembly required. If you're building a base station, pick up a T-Beam or RAK Wisblock Starter Kit. If building a base station, follow the steps below to connect to the Bakersfield MQTT.

2) Change the region from 'UNSET' to 'US' when you connect via Bluetooth. Your device will not transmit or receive until you do so.

3) Under 'Radio Configuration', go to 'Position'. If your device has GPS, make sure GPS mode is 'enabled'. If not, select 'Use fixed position'. It will grab the GPS coordinates of your phone, if allowed.

4) Under 'Radio Configuration', go to 'MQTT'. Move the 'MQTT Enabled' slider to on. Enter the MQTT settings above.

5) On the 'MQTT' screen, set 'Map reporting' to 'HIGH_PRECISION. This will make your node appear on the mesh maps.

6) Under 'Radio Configuration', go to 'Channels'. Select the default 'LongFast' channel and tick the boxes next to 'uplink enabled' and 'downlink enabled'. This allows your node to bridge that channel from radio to MQTT and from MQTT to radio. The 'root topic' filter above applies.

7) If you have custom channels for you and your friends, repeat #7 above for each channel. That will relay your private channel across MQTT as well.

8) Under 'Radio Configuration', go to 'Network Config' and enable WiFi. All you need is your network name (SSID) and password (PSK). Everything else can be left as default.

9) If you're running an ESP32-based device, like a T-Beam or Heltec V3, they can run Bluetooth or WiFi but not both. Once connected to WiFi, the IP address of the device will appear on the screen. Go to the connection settings on your app, select 'IP Address', and enter your device's IP. It should connect as long as your phone is on the same WiFi.

Note on stock antennas: The included antennas are not tuned well for the 915 MHz band. I recommend switching the T-Echo and T-Beam to this antenna, which has great performance. Be sure to select 'Color: 915MHz SMA M' when ordering.